And that's all you need to be connected.

Above Deck Equipment
Bellow Decks Equipment
No server racks full of equipment,
no cabling nightmares, just simple connectivity!
Antenna ELLO 60
Weight: 38 Kg
Size: 730 x 780mm
Cables: Provided 15m
3x RG11 Coax
1 CAT 6 Eth.
Energy: 24VDC or 100-240VAC
Consumption: 35W

The controller (below decks) is both the Satellite Modem AND the Antenna Control Unit (ACU). This unique design brings both ease of use and reliability. There are no buttons to press, or adjustments to be made. Turn on the power, and you’re online.
Another key feature of integrating these two functions is that the ELLO system benefits from higher tracking accuracy than a conventional system. With ELLO, your antenna will never mispoint and transmit towards the wrong satellite.

Because speed matters, we developed VelloZ, a link optimizer and IP accelerator that also incorporates a level 7 firewall and video server.
VelloZ prioritizes traffic, accelerates TCP, de-duplicates data and optimizes web surfing by compression and local caching to ensure an unprecedented user experience and enhanced applications performance.
Coverage - South America
Operating with Telstar Satellite 19, located at 63W, ELLO is available for users all over Brazil.
ELLO service coverage continues to expand thanks to a global agreement with the world's largest satellite operator.
If your route isn't covered, please contact us to ask about our expansion plans.

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How ELLO connects you to the world.
ELLO for Internet.
ELLO connects your ship to the Internet via satellite.
Onboard, users and devices are connected to the internet through our teleports. This allows them to connect via WiFi to browse the Internet, use their smartphone apps (WhatsApp, Skype, Messenger, etc.) to stay connected just like onshore. ELLO is also perfect to enable the ONLINE SHIP, allowing for monitoring of onboard systems- even the onboard CCTV can be accesses at the corporate office.
Onboard, the TCU controls the antenna, receives the signal and delivers an IP connection.
The proprietary Velloz gateway provides optimized Wi-Fi and internet onboard.
The customer can then connect their computers and smartphones to the network.

ELLO PRO for enterprise users.
Even more complex shipboard requirements can benefit from ELLO.
For customers who want to have their own network on board, a VPN tunnel can be used to connect the Customer's office to the Teleport. Corporate traffic is securely transmitted over satellite together (if desired) with Internet traffic.
On board, crew Internet access, passengers or guests access and corporate networks coexists securely and each "traffic" can be prioritized and optimized as customer's desires.
The customer also receives access to our exclusive SNMS- Satellite Network Management System- where they can view performance data including real time traffic monitoring, link availability, vessel tracking information and much more.
For the Intelligent Vessel, ELLO can be linked to shipboard sensors network, like fuel and power management systems for example, and customer has all information about vessel's operations in real-time, hassle-free.
Vessel tracking info -
Customers can monitor their fleets with real-time information thru SNMS portal.

ELLO as Backup.
If you already have a VSAT service onboard, ELLO makes an ideal backup or out-of-band management solution.
The Ethernet port can be linked to the existing VSAT rack allowing customer or other VSAT operator to remotely access a faulty VSAT to troubleshoot, have the network up temporarily over ELLO link or simply have a always-on hot-line as backup.
ELLO can dynamically adjust the bandwidth to accommodate the on board network demands when the main link is offline.
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